It is an after-school Futsal Program. This program's mission is to provide kids with the opportunity to play in the realm of their own school.

Many kids are unable to participate in these activities due to additional financial costs and program availability. After-school programs that provide play are proven to help a child's development.

This program is 100% funded by The Genome Foundation. Kids are able to sign up at no financial costs with all equipment provided, and are educated by an elite coaching staff.

Pass It Forward Program Facts

Since its launch in 2022 our Program has provided 130 children at Henderson Collegiate the opportunity to play Futsal in the realm of their own school.

Our Vision is to expand this program into 10 more schools this year with our local community targeting those in need.

  • Pass-it-forward program needs $3,000.00 per school to launch in a new school.

  • Supporting existing schools is $1000.00 per 8-week session.

Success Story

“I would use two words to describe the futsal program at Henderson Collegiate this year:

Rewarding and Essential.

I say rewarding because our students learned a ton about futsal and demonstrated growth every single session. Our coach Stephen made sure students had fun and always created a safe place where kids could learn from mistakes. From the first to the last week, students demonstrated a tremendous amount of growth from their level of competition to their joy.

With no doubt, I can say that programs like futsal are essential for our students. Many students don't have the chance to be part of a team so they opt out from many social-building opportunities. I loved the futsal because we had students from different backgrounds and skill levels and no one was ever judged. Futsal definitely changed some of our student's lives and they all seem to be eager to play again. Futsal is not just another after-school activity, is definitely a culture and I would like to see it everywhere in our schools.”

- Mr. Alexis Garcia

Varisty Soccer Coach

Pass It Forward Application Form